Coaching Approach

There is something about HUMAN engagement in learning that can never be replaced by technology.
Thank goodness for mankind.

At S.A.M, we engage students through The Classroom Experience and The Worksheet Experience. We call this the Two Learning Pillars of our program.

The Classroom Experience

  • Conducted by S.A.M Certified Trainers
  • Manipulatives, models and real world examples used to make concepts relevant and interesting

The Worksheet Experience

  • Reinforcement of concepts through designated study time at home
  • Self-discipline & independent learning

The Classroom Experience

At S.A.M, children are expected to come to the classroom once or twice a week (depending on their age). The classroom experience is conducted by Certified S.A.M Trainers and comprises :

Introduction of Concepts

The classroom experience starts with our Trainers introducing a new concept individually to a child. This is typically done using props, games and real world examples to make it easier for them to grasp the concept. It also makes the learning experience fun, engaging and memorable for them.

Guided Practice

Once a new concept has been introduced, children are expected to practice the concept under the guided observation of our Trainers who engages them with dialogue, probing questions and a healthy dose of encouragement.

Correction and Monitoring of Progress

Our Trainers also discuss worksheet corrections from previous week with children. They take this opportunity to monitor the progress of each child – how are they coping with their work, their rate of progress and level of motivation.

Qualified S.A.M Trainers understand that their role is not just to instil mathematical knowledge in students, but to also inculcate in them the right learning attitude and self-discipline to prepare them for the future.

The Worksheet Experience

Once a new concept has been introduced and practiced by the children under the guided observation of the S.A.M Certified Trainer, they are given homework workbooks for practice everyday at home.

The homework workbooks generally focus on concepts which have been already been introduced in the classroom. Daily practice of the concepts at home for the whole week, helps reinforce the concept with the children so that they retain the same for a longer period of time.

The workbooks are expected to be practiced by children on their own, with no help from parents. This encourages a habit of independent learning among children.

The workbooks are to be practiced daily by the children for 15-20 minutes. This regime instils self-discipline among children                                           

We completely recognize the workload children are expected to handle at school. So, volume of work and level of difficulty are all carefully calibrated in discussion with the parents to ensure that learning remains challenging yet fun for every child at S.A.M.

Process of Learning at S.A.M