S.A.M Math Insights Blog's

Lineup for the quarter final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup has been decided and the World Cup Fever is at its peak. There is a lot to learn in real life from sports and it is through the watching and participation in sports, with our children, that has endless benefits for their well being […]

We all are aware that mathematics is a subject that deals with study of shapes, numbers and patterns. It is an abstract subject and the approach needs to be creative to solve it. As parents, somewhere deep down inside, we all want our children to be good at mathematics; meaning good at “problem solving” and “critical thinking”. But […]

Abstract art is beautiful. Even though it does not have any form, we all appreciate it because it effectively reflects fluidity in one’s thought. Every piece of abstract art is the result of an innovative thought. When an artist sits with paint brushes and bottles of paints with an awareness that he is free – […]