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Teaching Fractions – The SAM Way (Video Tutorial)

This video illustrates how children at S.A.M are encouraged to solve word problems on Fractions logically using bar models


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What are Singapore Math Heuristics?

What are Singapore Math Heuristics?

Ever tried to help your child with primary math homework and got stumped? Today’s math questions can be challenging – even for adults.

Math education is changing. While many parents spent time memorising procedures and formulas, today’s students are expected to not only understand and master the concepts, but also to have strong thinking skills and problem-solving skills to solve complex math questions.

As new concepts and strategies are being taught, and homework turns from arithmetic exercises to using multiple ways to solve a math word problem, you may feel unsure or have no idea how to help your child.

In this series, the curriculum team at Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) shares expert tips on math heuristics and how to use them to solve math word problems.

What are Math Heuristics?

Heuristics – a word that baffles many primary school students and their parents.

To define it simply, math heuristics are strategies that students can use to solve complex word problems.

Word problems can be solved in several ways using different heuristics, while some word problems are solved using a combination of heuristics.

To solve word problems efficiently, students must be familiar with both the problem-solving methods (heuristics) and the problem-solving process.

How many Heuristics are there?
In Singapore Math, there are 12 heuristics in the primary math syllabus that can be grouped into four main categories:

  • To give a representation: Draw a diagram/model, draw a table, make a systematic list
  • To make a calculated guess: Look for pattern(s), guess and check, make suppositions
  • To go through the process: Act it out, work backwards, use before-after concept
  • To change the problem: Restate the problem in another way, simplify the problem, solve part of the problem
What is the Problem-Solving Process?

Another important point to note is that Singapore Math adopts Polya’s four-step problem-solving process:

1. Understand the problem: What to find? What is known and unknown?
2. Devise a plan: Choose the most suitable heuristic
3. Carry out the plan: Solve the problem
4. Look back: Check the answer

So, how can we use heuristics to solve math word problems? Here are examples of word problems with solutions provided by the curriculum team at S.A.M.


Heuristic: Act it out

Word Problem (Grade 1):

Alan, Ben and Carol are in the school’s Art Club. Their teacher, Mr Tan, wants two of them to join a contest. How many ways can Mr Tan choose two pupils?


Alan and Ben, Alan and Carol, Ben and Carol.

Mr Tan can choose two pupils in 3 ways.


Heuristic: Draw a diagram/modelWord Problem (Grade 3):The smaller of two numbers is 1217. The greater number is 859 more than the smaller number.

(a) What is the greater number?

(b) What is the sum of the numbers?

The greater number is 1217 + 859 = 2076.

The sum of the numbers is 2076 + 1217 = 3293.


Heuristic: Look for pattern(s)

Word Problem (Grade 1):

Draw the shape that comes next.


Label all shapes, the pattern is in repeating blocks of A, B, C.


Heuristic: Make a systematic list

Word Problem (Grade 2):

A shop sells apples in bags of 3. It sells lemons in bags of 4. Paul buys some bags of apples and lemons. He buys the same number of each fruit. He buys more than 20 and fewer than 30 pieces of each fruit. How many apples does Paul buy?

Paul buys 24 apples.


Heuristic: Guess and check

Word Problem (Grade 5):

Vijay is presented with the equations below. Insert one pair of brackets in each equation to make it true.
4 × 11 + 18 ÷ 3 + 6 = 46

The equation is 4 x 11 + 18 ÷ (3 + 6) = 46.


Heuristic: Restate the problem in another way

Word Problem (Grade 2):

There are some identical pens and erasers. 2 pens and 3 erasers are 45 centimetres long altogether. 6 erasers and 2 pens are 60 centimetres long altogether. What is the length of 3 erasers?


If we subtract the total length of 2 pens and 6 erasers from that of 2 pens and 3 erasers, we get the length of 3 erasers.

60 cm – 45 cm = 15 cm

The length of 3 erasers is 15 cm.


Heuristic: Solve part of the problem

Word Problem (Grade 6):

The diagram below shows 4 shaded triangles in Triangle ABC. All the triangles in the diagram are equilateral triangles. If the area of Triangle ABC is 64 cm2, find the total area of the shaded triangles.

Triangle ABC is made up of 16 small equilateral triangles.
7 out of 16 small equilateral triangles are shaded.
7/16 × 64 = 28

The total area of the shaded triangles is 28 cm2.


Heuristic: Simplify the problem

Word Problem (Grade 6):

The shaded figure below shows a semicircle and two quarter circles. Find the area of the shaded figure. (Take pi = 3.14)

30 × 15 = 450

The area of the shaded figure is 450 cm2.


Heuristic: Work backwards

Word Problem (Grade 3):

Darren had some stickers in his collection. He bought 20 more stickers and gave 33 stickers to his sister. He had 46 stickers left. How many stickers did Darren have in his collection at first?


Label the changes as C1 and C2.

Before C2: 46 + 33 = 79
At first: 79 – 20 = 59

Darren has 59 stickers in his collection at first.


Heuristic: Draw a table

Word Problem (Grade 4):

Janice wanted to distribute stickers equally among some children. If each child received 8 stickers, she would have 3 stickers left. If each child received 11 stickers, she would need another 9 stickers. How many children were there?

Janice had 35 stickers. There were 4 children.


Heuristic: Make suppositions

Word Problem (Grade 4):

Farmer James has some ducks, horses and cows on his farm. He has 30 ducks and cows altogether. The total number of legs the ducks and cows have is 82. The total number of legs the horses have is 28. How many ducks and how many cows are there on the farm?


Suppose that James has 30 ducks.
30 × 2 = 60
30 ducks have 60 legs altogether.
82 – 60 = 22
The total number of legs is 22 less than the actual total number.
A cow has 2 more legs than a duck.
22 ÷ 2 = 11
James has 11 cows.
30 – 11 = 19

There are 19 ducks and 11 cows on the farm.


Heuristic: Use before-after concept

Word Problem (Grade 5):

Ray and Sam each brought some money for shopping. The ratio of the amount of Ray’s money to the amount of Sam’s money was 3 : 4. After each of them bought a laptop for $1250, the ratio of the amount of Ray’s money to the amount of Sam’s money became 1 : 3. How much money did Sam bring for shopping?

(8 – 3) = 5 units = $1250
8 units = $1250 ÷ 5 × 8 = $250 × 8 = $2000

Sam brought $2000 for shopping.

This is the first part to S.A.M Heuristics series. Look out for part two where we will share more expert tips on math heuristics.

Established in 2010, Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) is the world’s largest Singapore Math enrichment program for children aged four to 12. The award-winning S.A.M program is based on the global top-ranking Singapore Math curriculum with a focus on developing problem solving and thinking skills.

The curriculum is complemented with S.A.M’s two-pillared approach of Classroom Engagement and Worksheet Reinforcement, with an individual learning plan tailored to each child at their own skill level and pace, because no two children learn alike.


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Intelligence quotient, or IQ for short, is the relationship between a person’s potential and the statistical normal of all possible results. How is IQ measured? They are tested based on a person’s concrete and abstract reasoning in subject ways, based on age and development norms.

It usually consists of a number of tasks measuring various measures of intelligence. These include short-term memory, analytical thinking, mathematical ability and spatial recognition. However, the purpose of an IQ test is not an attempt to measure the amount of information one has learned, but rather it attempts to measure their capacity to learn.

Not fixed at birth

IQ was initially considered to be genetic and fixed. However, a study at Michigan University revealed that at least one aspect of IQ measure can be improved. The researchers found that fluid intelligence, which is the ability to solve abstract problems without depending on previous knowledge, skills or experience, can be improved with specific and targeted training of working memory.

Understanding and dealing with a wide variety of abstract relationships between concepts, objects and things in our environment – also referred to as relational skill – is necessary for children and adults to function and perform at school, at work and in our daily lives. In academics, relational skills are necessary for math and language skills to emerge. The concept of more than or less than is one example of relational skill needed to understand mathematics.

How can we help our children have better relational skills?

Doing math will help because it develops their ability to notice relationships between numbers. A strong co-relation has also been found between a child’s relational skills and IQ scores. Through math practice, your child not only sharpens their relational skills, they also sharpen their own learning process and capacity to learn.

Building up on intelligence and IQ

A study by Stanford University School of Medicine found that personalised-tutoring, coupled with arithmetic practice helped children to remember better. The findings also suggest that when children are able to solve basic arithmetic problems from memory, their brain is more prepared to tackle more complex questions. So how can we ensure that our children start off with the right foundation?

Find an approach that combines the benefits of personalised training with the discipline of self-learning and self-discovery; an approach that is designed to introduce new concepts in incremental steps to make learning math easier.

However, practice alone is not enough, and practice with little understanding of the concepts can be ineffective. It is the brain storming process; the understanding of concepts, problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning, on top of personalised training and practice that deepens and improves their understanding.

Are these processes fostered in your child? Are they engaged in dialogue and encouraged to exercise problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning?

If your child has a low or average IQ score, don’t be disheartened.

It does not mean the scores will remain the same. It simply means there is potential for them to do better. Because intelligence and IQ can be improved. All you need is to exercise your brain.

And early exposure to math can go a long way.

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In part one of our S.A.M series, we highlighted the importance of early math exposure for children, and debunked the myth that IQ is fixed at birth and cannot be improved in part two. In part three, we search for ways on how you can improve your child’s IQ.

What makes children smart may surprise you.

Contrary to popular thinking, developing a child’s IQ is not about getting them to do tons of IQ questions or assessment books. Neither is it about improving their memory.

It is the everyday activities of what parents do and you say that matters.

Here are 5 things you can do to improve your child’s intelligence.

1. Read To Improve Verbal and Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to process information using words and language.

Compared to processing images or speech, reading is more challenging as parts of our brain are making connections. When we read, we are also required to construct and imagine.

Reading not only helps to improve language, which is necessary for communication and to get on with tasks of everyday life, it also keeps our mind sharp. Starting to read early may not only help in the growth of your child’s literacy, but it may also benefit a wider range of cognitive abilities that are crucial later in their life.

Early start in reading is important in predicting a lifetime of literacy experience. In a study done by Professors Cunningham and Stanovich, they found that students who had a quick start in reading were more likely to read more over the years. The results also revealed that reading volume had a significant contribution to vocabulary, general knowledge, verbal fluency and spelling. In a nutshell, reading does make you smarter!

If you have young children just starting to speak and read, read with them daily to expand their vocabulary. When you read with them, explicitly bring attention to certain words. For older children, introduce concept stories to expand their vocabulary and encourage imagination. This helps them to have better grasp of more abstract concepts.

2. Play with Blocks To Improve Spatial Intelligence

Puzzles, blocks, memory games, crafts, toys figurines – these are tools every child should grow up with. Give your children ample time and space to play with these tools when they are in preschool. Block and construction play is particularly important and beneficial as it gives your child multiple learning opportunities.

When building structures or engaging in block play, children discover spatial awareness and develop their spatial intelligence. Spatial intelligence is the ability to imagine pictures in your mind. When deciding how to stack blocks, under, above or perpendicular – children are engaged in using their spatial intelligence.

Studies have shown that developing spatial skills support later learning in science, technology, engineer and math. Young children who are better at visualising spatial relationships have also been found to develop stronger arithmetic abilities in primary school.

3. Do Math and Physical Exercise To Improve Fluid Intelligence

To think abstractly, reason and identify patterns, solve problems and discern relationships without using your prior knowledge – this is known as fluid intelligence. Generally, we use our fluid intelligence when we encounter a new situation.

Can fluid intelligence be taught? For young children, you can start by using concrete examples to show the relationship between objects.

If you are teaching your child the difference between a square and a rectangle, show them real square and rectangular objects around the house. Get them to see and touch the objects to feel the difference.

Instead of simply writing or showing the number ‘2’ to a child, show them real objects by using blocks or toys. To demonstrate the concept of ‘3 more than 4’, place 4 bears on the table in a line, then add 3 more bears slowly.

Besides early exposure to Math, research also suggests that physical activity can also improve fluid intelligence. It was found that certain hormones were released during physical activity, and these hormones are beneficial to the hippocampus, a region of the brain linked to learning and memory. So take your children out to run, play and tumble around!

4. Believe in them

Whether your child is truly smart or smarter than average, does not matter or make a difference if you do not express it.

A study was done where elementary school teachers told a group of randomly selected students they were smart. There was no special test done to single out these children as ‘smart’, and nothing was added or changed in the classroom.

Yet by the end of the school year, the children who were told they were ‘smart’ by the teachers gained a higher average IQ score than the rest of their classmates.

It is your words and your believe in them that will impact them for life.

5. Praise Their Efforts To Develop A Growth-Mindset

Praise is most effective when it is focused on the process and commitment, not the end result. Your child’s learning process and effort should be the main emphasis of your praise.

Carol Dweck, a Professor at Stanford University, came up with two views of intelligence learners might have. One view is the “fixed-mind set” that has the belief that intelligence is a fixed trait. The other view is the “growth-mind set”, where process is focused rather than talent or intelligence.

In a study she conducted, it was found that praise focused on intelligence encouraged a fixed mind-set compared to students who were praised for their process. When she and her researchers asked a group of fifth graders questions from a nonverbal IQ test, they found that students who were praised for their intelligence shied away from a challenging assignment far more than the students who were praised for their process.

How can you communicate a praise that encourages a “growth-mind set”?

Instead of praising them for their results, “Wow, you scored full marks, you’re so smart!” say this instead, “I saw that you really put in the time and effort to do your homework. I like the way you tried a lot of different methods on that math question until you finally got it. I’m really proud that you stuck through it and didn’t give up!” It pays to be specific in your praise as well.

Children need a good dose of encouragement to spur their learning.

Real learning is active. Real learning is emotional.

As a parent, you have a huge influence over your child’s learning.

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Do you find it challenging to get your children to learn Maths? Here are some useful secrets to help get them going:

1. Study Smart, Not Study Hard

Often, children may underperform in Maths when they have a poor grasp of the fundamental concepts. This might be due to that fact that they are learning Maths through rote memorisation and practice, without truly understanding the concepts or the problem-solving process.

Understanding concepts is very important. For example, 7 x 6 is 7 groups of 6 objects within each group. It is not just about memorising the multiplication table. Understanding the root concepts enables your children to figure out their own answers even if they forget the multiplication table.

Maths questions are usually non-routine nowadays, and they challenge your children’s minds in different ways. Remember – the process is more important than the product.

2. Demonstrate Ideas with Concrete Examples

Questions involving ‘less than’ or ‘more than’ in problem sums, for example, can be quite confusing for some children. You can demonstrate these ideas more clearly by using everyday objects such as paper clips or dried pasta pieces.

For example, to illustrate 3 more than 4 – place 4 paper clips on the table in a line, then add 3 more paper clips slowly to demonstrate ‘more than’. Instead of memorising the answer 7, your children can see for themselves what ‘3 more than 4’ actually means.

3. Take Sufficient Time and Care to Read the Question

Children often do not get the correct answer because they tend to read the question incorrectly, which is different from not understanding the question. Maths is more than just about numbers as it requires a significant amount of language processing. It is important for children to build on their language skills in order to read questions correctly.

4. Learn In Small Incremental Steps

Because Maths places great emphasis on conceptual understanding, practising at home in daily bite-sized chunks is better suited to children’s attention spans, rather than cramming a lot of information in one day.

Let your children learn in small incremental steps to build upon their knowledge day by day. Over time, a much stronger Mathematical foundation can be built this way.

For instance, you can start your children on practices for 15 to 30 minutes per day, gradually increasing the duration over time, if required. Alternatively, you can get them to complete one more question than the previous day. Also, create a consistent habit of practice by setting a specific time during the day for your children to do so.

5. Use Real World Examples as Stories

If you think about it, Maths is everywhere. For example, to explain what 1/4 means, you can illustrate it with a story about 4 children wanting to share a birthday cake. What do we do? What if there are 8 children who want to share the same cake? Will each child get more or less cake? Children learn better when they can see mathematics being applied in the real world.

With the secrets now revealed to you, you can nurture your children on their Mathematical journey of learning!

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Seeking ways to help your child perform better in math tests and exams? You may have to bid farewell to the familiar approach of amassing general purpose assessment books and test papers for practice drills, which may do little to cultivate interest or true understanding.

“Students who avoid making an effort to understand mathematics concepts may succeed in some school environments; but a lack of deep, critical, and creative thinking may seriously penalise these students later in life when confronted with real, non-routine problems,” notes a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which conducts the triennial PISA1 (Programme for International Student Assessment) benchmarking survey to evaluate education systems around the world.

This is the reason that the Ministry of Education’s primary math syllabus2 places an emphasis on developing students’ thinking, reasoning, communication, application, and metacognitive skills through problem solving.

For your child to excel at Singapore Maths, going beyond rote learning will be essential, and here are some tried-and-tested strategies for honing your child’s math skills.

#1 Ask Open-Ended Questions

A study that reviewed 37 research documents on classroom questioning3 found that the use of questions in teaching is positively related to fact retention and student achievement. Questions can be employed to achieve different objectives, from generating interest to motivating students, as well as moulding inquiring attitudes and critical thinking skills.

As a parent, what questions can you ask when working on math concepts and problem sums with your child?

“Use a combination of lower cognitive questions for factual recall and higher cognitive questions to extend learning,” says Lau Chin Loong, Principal and co-founder of Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M), an international math enrichment programme that uses questions as a teaching strategy. “For example, instead of Nellaiseojust asking ‘What is a half?’ S.A.M trainers will also ask ‘How do you know this is a half?’ or ‘Can you prove that this is a half?’”

Below are questions that S.A.M trainers might ask their students, in place of providing answers and solution methods to problem sums:

  • What is the problem?
  • What do you need to find out?
  • What do you know?
  • What do you not know?
  • What problems like this have you solved before?
  • What heuristics did you use before?
  • What heuristic is most suitable for solving this problem?
  • What if this part of the problem is changed?

#2 Use Manipulatives

Math manipulatives are physical objects such as counters, blocks, and interlocking cubes, which are used for teaching math concepts. A research paper on the effectiveness of manipulatives4 in teaching primary mathematics studied the use of manipulatives over different grade levels and in several countries, and through its literature review, found that most of the studies examined showed an increase in math achievement when manipulatives were put to good use. The paper cited several advantages of using manipulatives, such as improving understanding and retention, as well as reducing math anxiety.

According to Lau, manipulatives are most useful for kindergarten and lower primary students, but they can also aid upper primary students. “Depending on the level of understanding of upper primary students, manipulatives can be useful to recap and reteach concepts, or help students learn multiple concepts, such as a problem that involves the use of fractions and ratio,” he says. “Generally, manipulatives would be most relevant for primary school topics such as whole numbers, fractions, ratio, and measurement.”

#3 Think About Thinking

The Singapore primary math syllabus emphasises metacognition5, which National Institute of Education assistant professor Lee Ngan Hoe defines as “thinking about thinking.” He says that students who practice metacognition will consider why they selected an approach to solve a problem, which will lead them to monitor, evaluate, and regulate their thinking.

Educators and parents can play a role in encouraging such thinking to take place. “Metacognitive instructional strategy is when the teacher knows that this is important, and gives key prompts to students to be more aware of their thinking by either questioning, thinking aloud, or discussing with others what they are thinking,” says Lee.

Examples of questions to promote metacognitive thinking, as used by S.A.M trainers, include:

  • How did you find out?
  • Why do you think that?
  • How do you know this?
  • How do you prove this?
  • Is there another way to solve this problem?

“If we can develop our students to be more metacognitive, we are in effect helping them engage in the practice of expert problem solving, which is what we all want at the end of the day,” adds Lee.

#4 Adopt A Holistic Approach To Teaching

S.A.M trainers use hands-on activities to integrate multiple strategies for teaching math concepts and thinking skills to students. Here’s how you can carry out an S.A.M-style activity, on the topic of length, with your child at home:

  • Give your child a book and some paper clips. Ask your child, “How do we find out the length of the sides of the book?” [Strategy: problem-based learning.]
  • Guide your child to place paper clips along both sides of the book and count the number of paper clips. You may get, for example, 10 paper clips on the long side, and six paper clips on the short side. [Strategy: concrete-pictorial-abstract or CPA approach, concrete stage.]
  • Observe how your child places the paper clips, and ask questions such as “What happens if we place the paper clips far apart?” or “What happens if the paper clips are overlapping?” [Skill: critical thinking and logical reasoning.]
  • Give a piece of paper and a pen to your child and ask your child to draw a representation of the book with the corresponding number of paper clips on both sides of the book. [Strategy: CPA approach, pictorial stage.]
  • Finally, explain to your child that the longer side of the book is called the “length,” and it measures 10 paper clips, while the shorter side of the book is called the “breadth,” and it measures six paper clips. [Strategy: CPA approach, abstract stage.]

#5 Personalise Your Child’s Learning Experience

There is no single definition for what “personalised learning” entails, but it’s safe to say that it departs from the traditional one-size-fits-all instruction model to let students work at their own pace and ability level, and meet their learning needs. A personalised learning environment report6 compares traditional learning and personalised learning; one difference highlighted in the report is how assessments are implemented—traditional education settings such as schools typically hold a formal assessment once or twice a year, whereas personalised learning requires frequent progress checks and teacher follow-ups. As a parent helping your child at home, try:

  • Giving your child mini assessments with a single goal, to easily track concept mastery.
  • Relying on rubrics, rather than a points system. Points can be skewed depending on the difficulty level of the test, but rubrics will help you ascertain if your child is mastering the necessary skills.
  • Using different modes of assessment to get a complete picture of your child’s understanding—apart from question-and-answer assessments, you can use discussions, demonstrations, and observations to measure understanding.

Continual assessment is said to enhance motivation in various ways, such as by emphasising progress and achievement, and building confidence. When students use rubrics, they can define what constitutes a “good” performance, and therefore begin to assess their own work with greater clarity. With the habit of continual testing in place, you can work with your child to set goals based on current results, reinforcing the healthy learning attitude that success is achievable with consistent, purposeful effort.

S.A.M is a proponent of personalised learning; at its centres, new students are given a placement test to determine their math understanding and ability. Following which, a S.A.M trainer will prescribe a learning plan for the student to follow at his or her own pace. During S.A.M’s hour-long classes, a trainer works with each student for about 10 minutes (or longer if required) to review mistakes made in the previous week’s assignment and ensure that doubts are cleared up before moving on. When the student is ready, the trainer introduces a new concept via hands-on activities that involve props, games, and learning tools; this takes about 30 minutes, and there may be an in-class assignment to complete as part of guided practice. The student then applies and reinforces the new knowledge with worksheets to be completed at home.

“The skill development process is embedded in the S.A.M worksheet questions and hands-on activities that are carried out during classes,” says S.A.M’s Lau. “These activities ensure that students know not only the ‘how’ of math (procedures, memorisation) but also the ‘why’ of math (foundational understanding), and trainers will use both leading and probing questions to develop a student’s problem solving skills.”

About Seriously Addictive Maths (S.A.M)

Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) is a multi-award-winning enrichment programme for children aged four to 12, based on the Singapore MOE’s primary mathematics curriculum. The S.A.M programme combines the benefits of personalised classroom teaching and self-learning worksheets to improve children’s mathematics achievement and develop their higher order thinking skills, such as problem solving, metacognition, critical thinking, and logical reasoning.

Each student receives a personalised learning plan so that the student can learn at his or her own pace and ability. A low student-trainer ratio in class means the S.A.M trainer can better engage students and assess their learning progress.

Classroom teaching is based on personalised instruction with interaction between the S.A.M trainer and the students. New concepts are taught through hands-on activities so that learning mathematics is fun and interesting, and students can develop a better understanding of concepts.

S.A.M’s step-up worksheets7 are designed to introduce concepts with incremental levels of difficulty, so your child will gradually acquire the skills to solve problem sums. The work is never threatening, but always motivating to your child. In the process of learning math, your child will also develop self-discipline, self-confidence, and perseverance.

Developed by former school teachers and textbook publishers, S.A.M is trusted and recommended by parents in 16 countries—it is the only programme your child needs to excel in mathematics.


  1. “Is memorisation a good strategy for learning mathematics?” (OECD, 2016)
  2. “Mathematics Syllabus: Primary One to Five.” (Singapore MOE, 2012)
  3. “Classroom Questioning.” (Kathleen Cotton, 1998)
  4. “Using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics.” (Matthew Boggan et al., 2010)
  5. “Metacognition for Students and Teachers.” (NIE SingTeach, 2015)
  6. “Best Practices in Personalized Learning Environments (Grades 4 – 9).” (Hanover Research, 2012)
  7. “Are you serious about preparing your child for Singapore Maths?” (
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The bar model method is one of the key problem solving heuristics that students use to solve word problems in Singapore maths. It falls under the heuristic “draw a picture”.

By drawing a pictorial model of a word problem, students are able to visualise, represent and relate the known and unknown quantities in the word problem. This allows students to understand the word problem and find the solution to it. Bar models help students develop their mathematical thinking, communication, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

There are two main types of bar models, the part-whole model and the comparison model.

Word problems can be solved using variations or a combination of the two main types of bar models. Here is an overview of how bar models are used to solve word problems on different math topics.

1. Whole Number (P4)

Jimmy has 364 more cards than Tim. If Jimmy gives 210 cards to Tim, how many more cards does Tim have than Jimmy in the end?

2. Fractions (P5)

At a party, 1/2 of the adults is equal to 2/5 of the children. If there are 279 people altogether, how many children are there?

3. Decimals (P4)

2 teachers and 6 pupils visited a zoo. Each teacher paid $24.60 and each pupil paid 1/3 of the amount for the entrance fees. How much did they pay altogether?

4. Ratio (P6)

A a school concert, 1/5 of the audience was adults and the rest was children. There were 567 more children than adults. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls was 2:7. How many girls were there at the concert?

5. Percentage (P6)

At a Family Day event, 25% of the participants were parents. There were 84 more boys than parents who participated. The remaining 166 participants were girls. How many participants were there altogether?

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Can we enhance our child’s IQ through a stimulating environment at home?

The answer is yes!

Research shows it is possible to create a highly conducive environment for cognitive and emotional growth.

A child surrounded by books and educational toys will leave positive imprint on their brain, which will follow through into their late teens.

Improving your child’s intelligence requires organising and streamlining your child’s thought process to suit and match a stimulating setting.

How can you do so? Through math and unstructured play activities.

Such experiences will help develop their fluid intelligence, sharpen their creativity and capacity to learn.

Here are more ideas on how you can create a stimulating home to boost your child’s IQ.

1. Open their world to maths through stories

A simple yet effective way to pique your child’s interest in math is picture books. Picture books are great tools to help young children learn math concepts and language. There are many great math picture books out there to read to your preschoolers. Here are recommended books for children age 4 – 6.


  • Ten Black Dots

By Donald Crews. What can you do with ten black dots? This counting book shows your child the many unique ways that dots can make.


  • 12 Ways to Get to 11

By Eve Merriam. This book takes readers on a counting adventure as they demonstrate twelve witty and imaginative ways to get to eleven.


  • My Very First Book of Shapes

By Eric Carle. This book allows children to identify, find and match pairs together.


  • The Shape of Me and Other Stuff: Dr. Seuss’s Surprising Word Book

By Dr. Seuss. This book encourages children to ponder on shapes they may never have considered before through the whimsical rhymes and pictures of Dr. Seuss.


  • Rosie’s Walk

By Pat Hutchins. This book has great pictures and uses humour to complement a simple storyline of a fox and hen to show readers the concept of patterning.


  • Teddy Bear Patterns

By Barbara Barbieri McGrath. This book uses rhyming verse and brightly coloured teddies to teach sorting and patterning.

Tip! Be expressive and use gestures while telling the story, and encourage your kids to gesture and do the actions too. Why? Studies show children are more likely to remember words, numbers and events when they gesture with their hands. Mimicking actions will also help them learn techniques such as facial recognition, anticipation, analysing and evaluating.

2. Create a construction or art corner at home

Set aside an area where your child can build, stack, draw, paint, or sculpt. You can part of their room into a craft and construction corner, well-stocked with paint, paper, blocks, clay, cardboard and other recycled materials. Let this be your child’s safe space to take apart and put together things and get all messy!

Let them have time to play or create freely, because play helps in a child’s brain development. As they draw, paint, mould and build, they are working on their imagination, creativity, and spatial skills. Spatial skills have been shown to rely on neuronal networks partially linked with mathematics.

3. Reinvent everyday objects

There is no one correct way to play. A cardboard box can be a fort to your 3-year-old. A plastic water bottle can be a rocket ship to your daughter. Finding creative uses for everyday objects allows children to be more flexible, stimulating their brain growth. It exercises their brain’s flexibility, and teaches them to engage without preconceptions.

4. Weave maths into your conversations

Demonstrate concepts of numbers such as “You have three candies, I’ll give you two more, now you’ll have five” or “Dinner will be ready in five minutes”. Not only does this train their cognitive skills, it also builds your child’s problem-solving and language skills.

According to psychologist John Protzko, kids that get early exposure to educational resources will gain higher level of IQ and give them a leg up on their peers. The idea is to have early exposure to maths and make learning fun and memorable. Having a good maths program can engage children with dialogue, probing questions, props, games and a healthy dose of encouragement.

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Lineup for the quarter final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup has been decided and the World Cup Fever is at its peak. There is a lot to learn in real life from sports and it is through the watching and participation in sports, with our children, that has endless benefits for their well being and development. Research suggests that watching sports with your children can have great emotional and mental benefits too.

Soccer is a beautiful game of skill, teamwork and strategy which captivates the attention of millions around the world. You may be surprised to know that there is lot of maths and science which goes behind every aspect of this fascinating game. We will share some such fascinating facts, so that when you are bonding with your child, rooting for your favorite team during the final stages of the tournament, you can also share some of these fascinating facts with your child.

Mathematics Behind the Soccer Ball

The official soccer ball (as illustrated in the above picture) is made of a combination of 12 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons. Length of each side of the pentagon and hexagon is same to ensure that they fit together like a puzzle leaving no gaps between them. In mathematical terminology this is called Tessellation. If you are interested in knowing more about the math behind the soccer ball, you can refer: If you want to engage your child in making their own football out of paper, refer the attached youtube origami craft video

Science Behind the Impossible Free Kicks

Probably the most spectacular thing in soccer is seeing a player curving a soccer ball into the back of the net. Many fans almost automatically remember the Brazilian soccer player Roberto Carlos who in 1997 scored on a free kick that first went right and then curved sharply left. You would also remember the famous free kick from David Beckham, the famous England soccer player who scored on a free kick against Greece in 2001. So, how do soccer players do this? The answer lies to it in Magnus effect, a phenomenon that is commonly associated with a spinning object that drags air faster around one side, creating a difference in pressure that moves it in the direction of the lower-pressure side. A soccer ball is simply a projectile that is flying through the air with an initial velocity. The reason the ball curves is because the kicker kicks that ball at a certain angle and velocity. Once the ball is in the air, it is really the air that is curving the ball. Professional soccer players would usually kick the ball and add a little spin to it to neglect as much air resistance as possible. But in a free kick, which is usually 18 to 30 meters away from the goal, players would actually want air resistance because the air would curve and bend the ball in a way to trick the goal keeper. This all sounds easy but is extremely difficult. Players must hit the soccer ball with a precise velocity and with a particular spin. According to Bernoulli’s principles, air travels faster relative to the center of the ball where the periphery of the ball moves in the same direction as the air flow. In a normal kick, the ball would travel at roughly about 65mph. The ball would spin at around 10 revolutions per second. Once the ball travels about 10 meters, its speed would substantially drop and the drag would dramatically increase. Once the ball’s velocity drops the Magnus effect starts to increase. The Magnus effect is the reason the ball curves through the air. To know more about the magnus effect refer the Wikipedia link on the same There is a very interesting you tube video actually demonstrating the Magnus effect in football which you can also enjoy with your child

Maths Behind the Soccer Pitch

  • The football pitch is rectangular in shape which has a length of 90m-120m and a width of 45m-90m.
  • However, a rectangle is not the only 2D shape visible on a football pitch. There are also circles and semi-circles and more rectangles.
  • Each of the halves of the field, divided by the Half-way Line, is symmetrical. Symmetry of the field is important to make the game fair for all
  • The Half-way Line is the diameter to the Centre Circle
  • All Corners of the Soccer Field are right angles
  • The two penalty kick spots in the goalie box and the Centre Spot from where the ball is kicked off are coplanar
  • The opposite sidelines are parallel and the opposite endlines are parallel.

Importance of Geometry in Strategising the Game

Knowledge of angles and measurements helps a soccer player improve his game significantly and goes behind every aspect of soccer strategizing.

  • Knowledge of angles help in improving the accuracy of the passes
  • Goal keeper relies on angles to decide where he should stand when defending. In the diagram on the left in the picture below, the goalie is standing near the goal post giving the striker a wider angle to score the goal. In the diagram on the right in the picture below, the goalie has come out of the 6 yard box narrowing the angle for the striker to score the goal.
  • striker also uses the knowledge of angles to improve their probability of scoring the goal
  • Knowledge of trigonometry can be significantly useful while taking penalty kicks. The best spot to place a penalty is the top corner! So what angle would you kick the ball at to maximize your chances of scoring? Is it 30°, 45°, 77.2°?
  • When you kick a soccer ball, it arcs up into the air and comes down again following the path of a parabola. Sometimes the objective is to hit the ball as far as possible. The objective is not achieved just by kicking the ball as hard as possible. Angle of the kick also plays a very important role in deciding the final distance which a ball can travel. Here is a link to a beautiful video explaining the math behind parabola

So, next time you are watching this beautiful game of football, do engage your child into the fascinating maths and science behind the game.

Seriously Addictive Maths (S.A.M) is an after school math enrichment program for 3+ to 12 year olds based on teaching pedagogies of Singapore Maths, world’s best math program. If you would like to experience how we can help your child excel in maths, avail our offer of 2 weeks free trial by clicking the link

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We all are aware that mathematics is a subject that deals with study of shapes, numbers and patterns. It is an abstract subject and the approach needs to be creative to solve it. As parents, somewhere deep down inside, we all want our children to be good at mathematics; meaning good at “problem solving” and “critical thinking”. But the question that immediately springs up is “How to make our children problem solvers and critical thinkers?”

Before delving into this we should first understand what is a) problem solving and b) critical thinking and why we associate it with mathematics. The simple answer is that mathematics is all about logic and logic comes from thinking i.e. exercise of mind.

When we face obstacles and challenges while executing a task and carve out a way to deal with those difficulties, we solve a problem. This is called problem solving. There are certain attributes of a task which determines whether it is a difficult one or not.

  1. The task should be a new one. A person should not have done it before.
  2. It should be sufficiently difficult so as to challenge the current abilities of the person.
  3. The task to be executed should not have passed the stage of learning of the concerned individual.

The same can be explained through an Experiment:

Age of the sample participant : A 3 year old toddler

Skill present : Rote counting

Task : To find out sum total- addition

Level : Difficult- have never attempted addition

Experiment : First 1 yellow colored teddy bear is placed on the table and the child is asked to count. Thereafter 2 red colored teddy bears are placed on the table and the child is asked to count red ones. The toddler is then asked to find out the total number of all the teddy bears.
Execution : The toddler first looks at the bears with inquisitiveness, holds and plays with them. Thereafter places them back on the table and counts 2 reds and 1 yellow respectively. The trainer intervenes and asks probing questions like

We see 1 yellow and 2 red teddy bears on the table but if we want to know the total number of teddy bears what shall we do?

How many teddy bears are there in all, on the table?

You counted 1 yellow teddy bear and 2 red teddy bears but if we want to know how many are there are all together what shall we do?

If we count all the teddy bears together how many they would add upto?”

The toddler once again starts counting teddy bears, slowly moves the index/pointer finger from the first teddy bear to the second one, pauses for few seconds and ponders and thereafter moves from the second teddy bear to the third one and eventually comes up with the correct answer.

Observation : Given the toddler had never counted 2 different colored manipulatives together it is posed as a challenging task. The experiment was close to introduction of addition concept. The trainer used other synonyms of the word “total” like “in all”, “together” and “add upto” to make the toddler think and understand the task.

Note : The toddler encountered with 2 different colored manipulatives for the first time and with the help of probing by the trainer could find out the total of teddy bears. The toddler was aware of the concept of rote counting and used it to find out the total. The task was ahead of the stage of learning of the toddler but by using the technique of rote counting could find out the solution.

If we conduct the above experiment with a 15 year old, it will not be problem solving scenario because the teen will not find it challenging. There would not be any struggle of thoughts to come to an answer. Also the teen would have passed this learning stage and finding total would be just an “instrumental function” of the brain now.

Also, when we develop the ability to visualise problems we are investing our time in thinking. This process of exercising our mind makes us thinkers. Thinking is a process which can be achieved only with regular practice. When we are thinking we are collating all the data in our mind, organizing it and evaluating various mathematical tools to be used for representing the same. This process is termed as “Critical Thinking”.

A problem gets solved only when we think of ways of solving it. Therefore problem solving and critical thinking is very important. It is not only crucial for mathematics but also in our day to day life. Each day unfolds with new surprises and challenges. Doing mathematics in the right way will also allow us to deal with life’s uncalled for situations and difficulties. Doing rote based learning will not make our mind prepared for the future.

Skills like a) computing fast and b) rote learning of tables and formulas, though a good skill to have, can be easily done by gadgets too. With the advancement of technology, the dependency on memory has reduced significantly and the above mentioned skills (fast computation and rote learning) constitute “Lower Order Thinking” where we are using less of human talent, i.e, our mind and treating our brain more like an instrument and performing structured tasks without much application of our mind.

Skills like

a) Reading and Understanding of a problem,

b) Filtering of relevant information and facts,

c) Visualising the facts in mind,

d) Reasoning the facts by way of analysing and evaluating the circumstances and constructing logical arguments,

e) Portraying the facts in a pictorial form,

f) Coming to the conclusion of the problem,

g) Trying out other ways to solve the same problem and

h) Expressing it verbally and in written form

constitute “Higher Order Thinking” and make our children problem solvers and critical thinkers.